When your prospecting and are encountering all of the challenges that come with it sometimes you can rationalize your priorities and your behavior. You might want to revisit your priorities if you try squeeze in prospecting around everything else as opposed to blocking prospecting in the calendar first and squeezing in everything else around that. The reason you are probably doing that is to try to avoid hearing the word “No”. It’s not that “no” breaks your back its your emotional reaction to the word “No”. My advice to you is to get over it and move on!
- There were times early on in my career where I found myself doing things in golden selling time like building my list, organizing my desk or talking to my co-workers. You’ve probably never done any of those things before instead of making calls? So, lets move on.
- I had to come up with a way to redirect myself from majoring in the minors and that was where “stop stalling and start calling!” came in.
- I would be sitting in my cubicle doing something other than making calls and would imagine myself slapping myself in the face like this (face slap) saying “Steve come on stop stalling and start calling!” like the old Mennen skin bracer commercial and afterwards telling myself “Thanks I needed that”
- Throughout the day it would sound something like this. Steve, I mean really is building your list right now the most important thing you should be doing or is making calls more important. “stop stalling and start calling!” You should have had your list ready before you got in.
- I mean really is organizing your desk right now the most important thing you should be doing or is making calls more important. “Steve just stop stalling and start calling!”
- I mean really is talking to your co-workers right now more important than making calls. “Steve just stop stalling and start calling!”. They aren’t even prospects they are suspects!!
Tomorrow time block your daily call blitzes into your calendar first and work everything else around that. If you find yourself majoring in the minors and not making your calls you need to redirect your behavior by telling yourself “Stop Stalling and Start Calling!” and when your done with that tell yourself “Thanks I needed that”!!