Hunker Down
You need to hunker down like a Missouri Mule in a hail storm and wait it out. Dig in and prospect your way out. [...]
You need to hunker down like a Missouri Mule in a hail storm and wait it out. Dig in and prospect your way out. [...]
My sales manager walked through the bullpen one morning chanting “selling is a numbers game and in order to win pick up the phone and [...]
One morning my sales manager walked into my cubicle with a dictionary in his hand. I was wondering what he was up to. I was [...]
When you are making calls, you are going to run into a wide variety of gatekeepers and prospects and some are going to be easy [...]
Working on a straight commission for 35 years there have been some bad days, bad weeks, and sales slumps, some that resulted in too much [...]
How you dress is important. How you talk to yourself about how your dressed is to. It can have an impact on your confidence and [...]
The last four letters in the word enthusiasm are IASM – which stands for “I am sold myself.” When you are sold on what you [...]
What to say to yourself before you go into every meeting. The ultimate pep talk!!!!
A very common question that you may ask yourself about making calls is “What is the best time to call. I mean is there a [...]
It is going to be impossible to be successful in sales if your always concerned about what people are thinking about you. Concerned about being [...]