I have been calling on corporate executives for the past 36 years, one of the most common objections I get when I ask a prospect to get together for a meeting is they say, “I’m too busy.”

I tried a lot of different ways to handle that objection and, finally, arrived at the response that gave me the best results. “I can understand you’re busy, Clyde. I thought you would be. Most successful people are.  Because they are busy, they find that the easiest time to get together is before work. How about we meet for breakfast one day next week?

What I noticed was that I was able to get more meetings with prospects that were busy by acknowledging that they were busy and offering to meet at a time before their workday started.

Here is what I began to notice.

Number one is that my breakfast meetings rarely cancelled because nothing happened yet in the day that would interfere with our meeting time. They are also difficult to cancel last minute because it’s so early in the day, there really isn’t time to cancel.

Another reason why breakfast meetings work is that I have discovered that if a prospect is willing to get out of bed and meet me early, they are a qualified prospect. They are interested.

Another thing I noticed is that, because prospects have the rest of the day in front of them, they typically get right down to business and start talking about their problem.

If you’re on a tight budget, breakfast is more economical than lunch or dinner.

It starts your selling day earlier and on a positive note.

What to do? When you ask a prospect to meet and they say they are too busy, you say, “I can understand you’re busy. I thought you would be. Most successful people are.  Because they are busy, they find that the easiest time to get together is before work. How about we meet for breakfast one day next week?

The time is now.